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ResinForce Crack Gel FC 4H is a two component, 100% solids, sag resistant structural epoxy system designed to patch vertical or horizontal cracks. It has excellent adhesion to concrete, masonry, wood, metal and plastics.
Surface Preparation:
The concrete surface must be deemed mechanically and structurally sound, thoroughly clean of debris, oils, fats, waxes, sealers, curing agents, and other contamination. New concrete must be fully cured for a minimum of 28 days. Do not apply to wet concrete. Chloride, moisture and pH levels should be checked prior to application. Mechanically prep the concrete surface by shot blasting or diamond grinding with 30 grit or coarser diamonds or crack chaser blade. Substrate and material temperature should be 59°F - 86°F with a maxiumum relative humidity of 85%.
Materials should always be kept at a minimum temperature of 59°F prior to use. Pour component B into Component A using the proper mixing ratio of 2A:1B by volume. Mix both components for at least 3 minutes using a drill at low revolution (300 to 450 rpm) to reduce trapping of air. While mixing, scrape bottom and walls of container at least once to ensure a homogeneous mix. Only prepare quantity that may be applied during pot life of mixture.
Apply mixed product to the dust free prepared surface using a trowel of a putty knife. Clean-up tools with Xylene.